The Silent Threat: Lithium-Ion Battery Fires and the Unprepared EV Owner

The tragic story of Scott Peden, who lost his family in a fire sparked by an exploding e-bike battery, serves as a chilling reminder of the potential dangers lurking within our homes. While lithium-ion batteries power our modern lives, from smartphones to electric vehicles, their volatile nature poses a significant risk, one that many are unaware of. Our recent...

I’d like to not thank those who said no to me!

I cannot say for sure, but the internet states that Albert Einstein said, “I am thankful for all those who said NO to me. It is because of them that I am doing it myself.” As a business owner, I find nothing more irrelevant than wasting time on those who responded negatively to me. I have heard things like, “My supplier bailed, and now I will have to cancel the order,” and...

Why sports are good for you?!

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same...

Data vs. Gut – How do businesses think!

In the 60’s, when Pizza Hut and Dominos entered the pizzeria business, their decisions to expand their business relied pretty much on how much they were making each day. When Tom Monaghan, the founder of Dominos, realised that they can earn even up to $3,000 in a single night through a promotion, he knew it was an instant hit. That promotion was Super Sunday way back in Jan...